Product details
The AF ethylene absorber sachets are used to reduce the ethylene level in a very effective way during the transport and storage of a wide range of fruits and vegetables,both in the wholesale and retail.
1. Ripening,senescence and rotting of fruits/vegetables is delayed,which allows to extend life and maintain their quality.
2. The effects of temperature fluctuations during transport/storage are minimized.
3. The effects of delays and incidents of transport are minimized.
4. Quality of fruit coming from farms with phytosanitary problems,hydric stress or less favourable climatic zones for the cultivation can be better kept.
5. Protection throughout the entire distribution chain is provided:from the packing line (sometimes before refrigerating-when the fruit emits more ethylene)to the customer's warehouse and even the final consumer's home.
MINISACHETS (0.25 g - 0.50 g)
Minisachets used to reduce the level of ethylene and other volatiles very effectively and without the risk of contaminating fresh produce with its active ingredient. There are types with added Active Carbon for certain uses.
SACHETS (1 g - 1.7 g - 2.5 g)
Sachets used for fruit transport in which a small amount of granules are required. There are types with added Active Carbon for certain uses.
SACHETS (5 g - 7 g - 9 g)
Sachets used for long-distance transport of fruit or where a significant amount of granules are required. There are types with added Active Carbon for certain uses.
SACHETS (22 g - 38 g)
Sachets used to transport highly preserved fruit or for use in fridges. There are types with added Active Carbon for certain uses.
Note: The sachets have a window that performs the functions of a remaining capacity indicator. The spent media turn brown.This allows us,without complicated analysis,to know if the dosage is correct or not.
They are placed inside the packaging in direct contact with the fruit.
Dosage: 1sachet per bag/box.The size of the sachet will depend on the type and quality of fresh product,the time of transport/storage and type of packaging.
Duration: Depends on the application
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